Good morning to you all,
It has been a couple of times that I have heard the sentence "in five years/soon/ in the near future people will download a file from GW (or create their own) and 3d print they own miniatures".
Well ladies and gentle men the best kept secret is that the future is now. Rep Rap.
Please watch this video.
You can also find a lot of info on the wiki page
and on facebook
On paper Rep Rap ticks all the right boxes.
Price: It currently costs 425£/$657 for a full kit (assembly required).
Quality: Quality at the moment is my biggest concern, well until I saw this
this is a picture under a microscope, you can see all the small layers well the black line is actually a human hair, yes the layers are that thin. When (if) creating molds I think the latex will not even pick up that detail.
here is a picture of the object above:
Speed: I think they take 2-10 hours depending on the size of your object. To be honest I don't think it is an issue, also work has been made to reduce the time via software.
Some of the machine specifications:
- Build volume: 140x140x110mm
- Overall size: 260x280x280mm
- Printing materials: ABS, PLA, 1.75mm diameter thermoplastic.
- Build surface: PCB-heated bed to ensure parts do not warp. - Accuracy: 0.1mm
- Resolution: 0.0125mm
- Building speed: 1,800 mm/min
- Moving speed: 12,000 mm/min
- Deposition rate: 33 cm3 / hr
- Motion: Linear ball bearings on X and Y axes, Igus low friction bushings on Z axis.
- Fully pre-soldered electronics with built-in microSD card slot for standalone printing.
- Universal power supply; works with all mains voltages.
- Enhancements to the printed parts to improve the ease of assembly of the X and Y axes
And if all of the above were not good enough the rep rap can print more than 50% of its self and that is the general idea, you print one for your friend, then he prints one and so on.
I have asked for a sample and will be sending a file of a raptor jump pack once I design it, I am on my 4th attempt. So stay tuned for more.
Finally let me say I am really amazed by this product and I will be buying one.
The invention is from Adrian Bowyer and its a name I think that people should recognise in five years/soon/ in the near future.
bloody amazing, i was skeptical at first, but this really is going to change the world.