Orks need a bit more green stuff but almost ready. Alsoo I need to add 2 power weapons.
I will use them as terminators, 3 fists and 2 p.w. with 1 reaper autocannon
The skink is for comparison.
THE final list is:
Demon prince nurgle jump pack
10 plague marines Champion fist two plasma guns rhino
5 plague marines 2 plasma guns
5 terminators 3 fist 2 p.w. 1 reaper autocannon 4 2 twin linked bolter
2 plague drones
2 obliterators
1 defiler
6 plaguebearers.
I am planing building a similar list but with 4 units of 7 plague marines and 7 plagueberers, 2 plague drones epidemius This might be the fastest army I have ever painted.
Awesome! Really look forward to seeing this progress!