Good morning readers another Monday....
Well this weekend I did alot of work on my 81 zombies.
What I started out with, nine packs of nine "Red box Games" zombies. |
Glued on 25mm bases and milliput inserted in the gaps. |
Basecoat of P3 thrall flesh mixxed with vallejo cleaner /airbrushed. |
GW greatchin green on the zombies pants & codex grey on the pieces of cork. |
I then airbrush from the top a mix of thral flesh and V.air white. |
Last step (for now) was dip and shake the minis in army painter quickshade.
Today I am going to apply testors dull coat and let them dry another day.
that I am going to paint astronomical grey parts of some bases were ice
will be applied, and once dry apply the same again with gloss and add
blue and mix to get a swirl effect. Here are some I did for some space
After that I need to paint some cadian helmets maybe some guns, and apply snow and blood.
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