Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Wanting to make a list to beat necrons and demons

So back from the Caledonian war weekend, I want to start my Greek marines after so many years,
and I also want to build a metagame marine list, capable of dealing with necrons and demons.

I have been trying to think of which combination of marines is best.

Lets have a look at the enemy.
2-3 units of wraiths
3-4 battle barges
4 flyers
1-2 destroyer lords
warriors immortals.

DP with breath

*All the following is theory and untested

 I made 2 lists one is Dark angels grey knights the other pure grey knights.

Dark angels with grey knights 1850

librarian lvl 2 100

Librarian lvl 2 100

10 marines 140

5 scouts 60

7 marines 4 missile launchers 158
7 marines 4 lascannon 178

Allies 880
Brotherhood champion  100

10 strike squad psy ammo 220

vindicare assasin 145

Interceptor squad psy ammo280

riffle dread  psy ammo 135

Defence line quad gun 100

I still have 134 points  left in this list.

The 2 librarians take divination trying to get the malediction that forces rerolling succesful saves.
they then enter the devastator units making them twinlinked when shooting with divinations primary spell.
 The scouts are objective holders they should stay out of sight if possible.
the 10 marines might take a heavy weapon or split into 2 units with  a heavy weapon
Vindicare assasin can soften up the battle barges, against deamons the best she can do is force an overwatch from flammers for some squad to follow up and assault.

Against flyers
I have the quad gun
2 twin linked devastator units and a twin linked riffle dread.

Against Demons the strike and interceptor squad split and cast warp quake if I go first.

I choose the brother hood champion cause of his price and his heroic sacrifice, making him a good counter against monster HQs, I don't know if his defensive stance affects mindshakle scarabs though.

List 2
+++ No Name (1833pts) +++
+++ 0pt Grey Knights 6th Edition (2010) Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++


Grey Knights 6th Edition (2010) (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (250pts)

    * Brotherhood Champion (100pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), Psyker (Mastery Level 1), The Aegis, The Perfect Warrior, Titan's Herald)
        Annointed Blade, Artificer armour, Frag, Krak and Psyk-out Grenades, Hammerhand, Heroic Sacrifice, Iron Halo, Storm Bolter

    * Librarian (150pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis)
        Frag, Krak and Psyk-out Grenades, Hammerhand, Mastery Level 2 (Psyker (Mastery Level 2)), Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

+ Elites + (145pts)

    * Assassin (145pts)
        * Vindicare Assassin (145pts)
            (Deadshot, Fearless, Fleet, Infiltrate, Lightning Reflexes, Move Through Cover, Stealth)
            Blind Grenades, Exitus Pistol, Exitus Rifle, Frag Grenades, Synskin

+ Troops + (660pts)

    * Grey Knight Strike Squad (220pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Deep Strike, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis)
        Hammerhand, Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), 9x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Sword (180pts), Warp Quake
        * Justicar (20pts)
            Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

    * Grey Knight Strike Squad (220pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Deep Strike, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis)
        Hammerhand, Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), 9x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Sword (180pts), Warp Quake
        * Justicar (20pts)
            Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

    * Grey Knight Strike Squad (220pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Deep Strike, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis)
        Hammerhand, Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), 9x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Sword (180pts), Warp Quake
        * Justicar (20pts)
            Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

+ Fast Attack + (508pts)

    * Grey Knight Interceptor Squad (280pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Deep Strike, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis)
        Hammerhand, Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), 9x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Sword (234pts), Warp Quake
        * Justicar (26pts)
            Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

    * Grey Knight Interceptor Squad (228pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Deep Strike, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis)
        Hammerhand, Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), 7x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Sword (182pts), Warp Quake
        * Justicar (26pts)
            Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

+ Heavy Support + (270pts)

    * Dreadnought (135pts)
        (Preferred Enemy (Daemons), Psychic Pilot, Reinforced Aegis, The Aegis)
        Fortitude, Psybolt Ammunition (5pts), Smoke Launchers, Twin Linked Autocannon (10pts), Twin Linked Autocannon (5pts)

    * Dreadnought (135pts)
        (Preferred Enemy (Daemons), Psychic Pilot, Reinforced Aegis, The Aegis)
        Fortitude, Psybolt Ammunition (5pts), Smoke Launchers, Twin Linked Autocannon (10pts), Twin Linked Autocannon (5pts)

This list I like more. It has less high power weapons and no aegis and 1 less librarian, but it also does not waste points on tactical and scouts.
30 grey knight strike squad, 60 24" str 5 shots.
and 2 units of intercetors  18 bodies thats another 36 shots str 5 at 24"

so this list has bodies it has great mid fire power, but what about vehicles and flyers?

The riffle dreads are great for that roll they can even glance a LR. but such targets belong to the vindicare assassin.  The necron flyers I can try and wound with the strike squads.
Only the 2 riffle dreads can wound a helldrake or a stormraven. But those are not my primary targets.

I will be giving the second list a go this week.


  1. As a Necron player myself (I can't believe I'm giving you advise, haha) I would say with the bog standard troops, close combat wins the day. Necron Warriors/Immortals don't function well against well equipped assault units.

    As for Wraiths and Destroyer Lords, lascannons work wonders. Lascannons won't insta-kill Destroyer Lords (T6) but Destroyer Lords can't have invulnerable saves. Wraiths have invulnerable saves but only have T4.

    Vehicles are easily dealt with if you have high AP weapons that can pierce their Quantum Fielding. Remember, they're open topped, with AP1 you get +3 to the damage chart!

  2. P.S. I hope you're on my side on the 30th hahaha!

  3. thanks Darren, I will on the chaos side with Epidemius and plaguebearers.
