Monday, 3 December 2012

Blog wars 4 analysis: Steve's Demons.

I will analyze a couple of army lists I saw the past weekend, one at a time.

I played last week a game with Steve's demons and won, maybe cause his force came in the wrong order.
We played again at blog wars and I got tabled.His demons showed up this time in right order and my epidemius came in turn 4.
Even after our first game I was still pretty amazed how strong his list was, it does not win any originality award and utilizes on the best units with multiples of them. But it is a very strong list.

Steves demons were something like this:

    * Bloodthirster
    * Fateweaver, Oracle of Tzeentch Elites

        4x Flamer of Tzeentch
        4x Flamer of Tzeentch
        4x Flamer of Tzeentch  

       5x Pink Horror
        5x Pink Horror

   5x Plaguebearers of Nurgle
 5x Plaguebearers of Nurgle
 3x Screamer of Tzeentch

     Daemon Prince of Chaos wings breath
     Daemon Prince of Chaos wings breath
     Daemon Prince of Chaos wings breath

       I realy like the list, yes it repetitive but still bloody cool and strong. The list has 16 no cover , no armour on a 4 you die flammer templates, they can kill terminators, scores of orks or land raiders with the same ease, it can be unstable if you mishap or get the wrong force in.
The best part for the demon princes is that they can deep strike into flying mode, so you can not assault them or shoot them down easily, this has put me in thought about my own list.
The majority of models have a 5+ inv which is rerollable if close to fateweaver,
So the army deals loads of pain during the shooting phase but what about combat, the 4d3 wound on +4 no armour save makes you rethink charging the flammers, my best result was charging them with the leftover 2 marines from a unit and then charge with a whole other unit, in combat they are no monters but with 2 wounds and a inv save they will hold you up. The screamers have 3 attacks ap3.

I was really thinking of making this list after my first game with Steve,
but maybe lose the screamers and plaguebearers for a mono god list which might not be as good.
I decided though that having 4 armies on queue was bad enough.

But if I did do an army like this I would  use very little from the demon range.
It would be a ghost thousand son army.

the flamers would be thousand sons with heavy flamer, a bit like legion of the damned

The demon princes would be wingless ogre size Sorcerers on disks holding  flaming staffs (turquoise.flames)


I suppose I would use horrors as horrors and screamers as screamers. Hopefully that would not confuse my opponents. Any thoughts about the list?

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