Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Creating a warmachine gaming board. Part 1.

Goodmorning Readers,

One 8x4 feet plywood board cut in half, Insulation foam, hardboard and 8 planks of wood.
Last week I felt this amazing urge to create my own gaming board for hordemachines.

I believe the cost for two such board would be £100 no basing.

Here you can see the first screws going in, Its important to drill a hole a bit smaller than the screw so the wood does not split, I also use a drill the size of the screw head and drill a few mm so the screw head goes into the wood so it will not scratch the tables its laid on.

The box completed.

I cut the foam to fit the board, what you do not see is I places a piece of wood in the middle of the board to avoid warping.

Here I mark  all the modular terrain to be used for the board, steam roller dimensions.
you can se the 6 diferent terrain setups here.

I placed the terrain on the board and marked it so I could get a feeling of the empty spaces.
You can also see the piece of wood I placed in  the middle for support.

Like any project you have many ideas that are just not feasable in the end. I wanted a massive frozen river going in the middle of the board with a rusty bridge, but that is a feature for a static board not one with random terrain deployment, also bridge would probably be damaged if fixed permenantly.

But I also did not want to make a boring white board, so I added some coblestone paving (yellowish texture/milliput) and placed around that some sand, the blue areas will be small areas of ice.

Here you can see the forests I cut out and placed plasticard to cover the holes. These are now based with sand, the trees need some snow on them too. you can also see 2 patches of ice.

A close up from the frozen river.

On that area on one of the missions a house is placed on it, I did this on purpose cause I would like the house to actualy be a frozen water mill. Some inspiration:

But I will probably do a second board and get some of my army painted before I get into such a detailed piece of work.

Thats all for now, I have also made a 0.5"x5 inch wall, I intend to cast it for resin duplicates.

Also last Sunday I wend to London to see a Gojira, and they were great as they kept my high expectations for them.

Here is one my favortie songs from them its called Or(o)borus, coincedence?


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Gaming and playing in Cambridge UK.

Good day readers,

 This special post will work as a guide for buying and playing tabletop miniature games  in Cambride UK.

I will start with the gaming:

Mondays: Cambridge City games club. They Gather on Mondays, in a scout hut behind the petrol station on Elizabeth way. Lovely bunch of gamers, they seem to play every game available, lots of flames of war and DBM-M. I have not attended for a couple of years so I am not aware of the gaming fee, but they have an active forum and you can find all the details in their site.

Tuesdays: Panting and Skirmish gaming at Cafe Julian on Region street. Cafe Julian stays open from 6-10 just for us gamers. There is no entry fee but you are asked to buy a cofe or a snack, which are all delicious the s/w are custom made fresly on the spot. Its more for painting and chilling, but you can play a skirmish game on their tables (2,5x4 feet). Relaxed atmospere have a drink or snack and paint.

Wednesday: Sons of war. From 6-10pm. Entry fee is £3 and for members £1.5 (membership is £15) first visit is free. 40k fantasy, warmachine and hordes, infinity, bloodbowl, superdungeon explore, x wing and zombicide are the major games played but all games are welcomed. Great amount of boards and terrain. They also have a very active Facebook page.

Last game of December at Sons of war a megabattle with more than 20.000 points.

  • You can play 40k, fantasy or lotr on the two 4x4 tables available at Games Workshop Cambridge 6-10pm free of charge, you do need to book them in advance.

Painting session organized by platoon britanica, held at Inner Sanctum
 Fridays: 2d6 lodge is a new gaming club. 5-10pm and the entry fee is £2.5. Painters and all types of games welcome.

Miniature shopping in Cambridge,

I will start with were you can buy actual miniatures, there is only two places that I know of.
  • Games workshop Cambridge, at GW you will find warhammer fantasy, 40k and lotr products.
  •  Inner Sanctum collectables,at inner sanctum you will find the full range of Hordes and Warmachine, infinity, wyrd, flames of war, heldorado and many others. Inner sanctum also sell P3 and vallejo paints, green stuff, millipput and a wide range of galeforce nine basing and tools, mig pigments, they also stock some army painter sprays and dips. They also have a masive range of roleplaying books card games and  board games. 

Tools Paints & Supplies.
   I mentioned already Innner Sanctum,  so Hobby Craft (near the grafton,  opposite of Argos) comes next to mind, the 1st floor has the best selection of plasticard sheets in Cambridge, some airbrushes and a wide selection of paints, valejo, Tamya (great for airbrushing) and revell paints. Also masking tape for airbrushing.

Hobbycraft. (located in the bee hive, neer asda supermarket)

Hobby craft has a wide section for crafts but not much for our hobby when you look at the size of the place. They have a good range of brushes and clays & plaster. They also sell oil paints.

Tindells (located on kings street) is another shop I like, they have a wide selection of oil paints and spray cans, the also sell winsor newton series 7 brushes (which I find the best for painting) and a wide range of brushes, they sell a bit of plasticard and a goor range of plastic rods in different shapes and sizes. They also have a nice range of clay, oven or airdrying, you can find fimo, supersculptey,  and various grades of miliput, they sell some sillicone and resin but I can get that cheaper online, other thinkgs I buy from here is clay shapers.
Great buy if you are into sculpting.

They also sell newton winsor inks (same like the old gw inks) and finaly they have a great range of pastels that can become great pigments.

Other stores.
 If you are looking for jungle plants or some bits of terrain Pets at home in the beehive have some good choices.

Mackays store has hall bearings, wood glue, sandpaper, masks and  dremel accessories, located on East road.

Thats all my knowledge regarding playing and buying wargames folks, if you liked it or would like to add something, please leave it in the comment section bellow.

Friday, 15 March 2013

The chosen nine of pythia part 2.

Good morning Readers,

Here is a picture of my latest kit baching,

Atromos son of Hercules and Stratonikh

A bit of Greek mythology
When Heracles was assigned to kill a lion (not to be confused with the Nemean Lion), Thespius offered his fifty daughters as a prize. The hunt for the lion lasted fifty days, and during each night of the hunt Heracles slept with each of the fifty daughters, who in turn each gave birth to one son.

Parts used
Head -empire amber wizard
torso- sanguinius
ποδια-space wolf terminator
Lions head and belt buckle - high elf chariot
Cloak- chaos space marine terminator lord.
hands- grey knight terminator
Shoulder pad max mini.

Here is a picture of my progress so far,

The last 3 at the back will be corinthian gatemasters, makedonian guard and Iron snakes of ithaka.

And I will leave you with this amazing artist who creates  modern masterpieces

Monday, 11 March 2013

Stuff on ebay.

I have put some stuff up on ebay if any one is interested limited edition miniatures,forgeworld, a small space marine raptor force, a Slaanesh chaos space marine army or some cryx warmachine.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Kill team, a bit of progress.

Good morning readers,
Another weekend passes us bye, but it was a good one.

I finished my anchient greek themes bases and made a first cast in resin.

I also started on my greek marines:

I other news :
The new demons codex & army books are out, I have not read it yet but I did see that screamers and flammers got nerfed realy hard; cause who would buy new stuff when flammers and screamer are so overpowered?! but now that you have bought +20 of each its time to nefr them and rule boost are new releases. This was so obvious it makes me feel a bit sick. On the other hand if you did play 3x9 flammers and 3x9 screamers- serves you right. Who says two wrongs dont make a right! :-).

This is also good news for kill team I think, it will give space marine armies a better chance, but has me thinking if I now should have ap3 weapons, which would mean a diffrent army list. I am hopping my 18 shoots can snipe the specialist weapons fast.

My friend Harry has changed his list from demons to nids, 10 hormagaunts, 10 termigaunts and
Wait for it
The doom of malan'tai!!!!!
I dont know how the doom passed undetected in the previous event he looks sick, 4 wounds a +3 inv, and the potential to gain many more wounds and a ap1 blast.

The problem with the list is if you can kill the malantai you can probably force them to flee.
There is no synapse creature in the list and the 20 troops need to take 20 ld (at ld6) to see if the behave normaly or start running into cover.
Still killing the Malan'tai will be no easy task, we will playtest it a bit this Wednesday hopefuly.

Last bit of news is Dark age games released the new faction I have been waiting for the Kukulkani.
Though I have not played Dark age yet it looks to be a nice skirmish game that again does not require tons of models and you share one common game turn were you activate one unit then the opponent activates one and it continues until all units have been activated. Sounds good, when ready and know more about it I will write a small review.

That all for now, Have a great week and expect a few greek marine updates to follow.