"We have been betrayed... Prepare to board. We assault, locate and protect our Lord at all costs. Terminators with me..." Stelios Kasadin, Master Librarian of the fire Hawks.
The Fire hawks had sent a small force to discuss a peace treaty with the tyrrant to end the war before it escalated. the location was an abandoned space station in the grief system.
Chapter master Lazaerek insisted he must be present despite his captains objections, and he and his honour boarded the thunerhawk.
The talks went on for 2 days, on the second day the Station was attacked by forces unknown while the Tyrand had already dissembarked.
The Fire Hawks in orbit were prepered for the worst. They had remained armed and vigilant in the ships docks for 2 days, in four minutes since the first explosion a dozen of drop pods were uppon the burning space station. It was Chief Librarian Kasadin and Captain Elam Courbray who found their Chapter Master signal on the aspex but between them and their lord were 20-30 other unregistered signals.
From the darkness the figures stepped out, massive barberic marines full of bloodlust eager to kill, their frost and power weapons gleaming in the dark gave away they identity, Space Wolfs. They were a force of destruction, famous for been one of the best and brutal type of warriors in close combat. Terifiying and deadly as the were, they stood in the way of the fire Hawks and their Master.
You can find the rules for the mission a few posts before.
First of all the fantastic 3d board all made by David (He plays exorsists). It is amazing playing on it.
Harrys Space Wolfs. 5 Wolf guard in term. armor, 3 with the runepriest and 2 in the units, the grey knight is actualy a thunderwolf with stormshiled and frost axe. |
deployment of the Hawks, 5 Terminators with Librarian, 1 tactical, 7 sternguard, 8 assault marines captain and Librarian.
Turn 1a.
ThunderWolf and troops move and run. |
Wolf Guard assualt the assault marines, Courbray and his marines flee back 10 inches. The Hawk terminators will make the the grey hunters to fall back. |

"Let me enlighten you brother" |

Turn 1b.
Librarian Cassadin break up and tries to hold back single handed a unit of wolfs. He tried the avenger but failed. So he did the second best thing, charged into them. |
Combi meltas do a couple of wounds but the wolf guard save them. Terminator assaults terminator,the wolfs lose a body but hold. Librarian takes and gives a wound draw.
Turn 2a
The wolf guard lose another body and run.
Librarian and grey hunters deal no wounds on each other. Pretty amazing save from the Kassadin, "my shield is my faith bla bla bla " a strormshield also helps.
Turn 2b
Tactical assault to suppport Kassadin. The grey wolfs fail to wound him again 2 grey wolfs go down but they hold.
Fire hawk terminators assault the terminators once again and finish them.
Assault marines jump and 2 die , then they assault the other unit of grey hunters.
Turn 3a
The thunderwolf will assault the terminators and kill one, one wound back to the wolf.
Combat continues between tactical lib and grey wolfs both sides lose 2 men.
lib=librarian :-) |
"Assault the assaulters my assault squad." Now say that 10 times very fast. |
Sternguard create a perimeter around the injured lord, (lord=marine without a head) |
Turn 3b
The thunder wolf does 4 wounds and 2 terminators fall, but not before taking out the wolf.
Elam falls but his units hold and does severe damege to the grey hunters.
The station after the battle. |
I forgot to say turn 1,2,4 nothing happend on the catastrophic damage table, turn 3 wild fire explotions on a section we where not on, the emperor protects...even when you assault a collapsing burning abandoned space station.
Big thanks to harry for the friendly game and laught and David for his amazing board.
Next week same board same mission Fire Angels vs blood Angels and later on Black Templars vs Blood Angels
Myself, Michel and Harry. Seems like I gave them a realy dificult question. |
2 big Pictures Click to see.

* I have not yet rolled for Elam Courbrays death yet.
Game 2
After that game I played another one 3000p each side, I had against me 2 blood angel armies and Michael agreed to play as a loyalist for this game. We won in kill points we played 3 rounds each.

Astoraths invunrable saves, after those he needed to take anothe 2 inv saves and Chris rolled two 6's. Crazy. |

Thanks for reading. I am off to stick some books on my librarian!